
How To Clean Filters On A Amana Clothes Washer

Cleaning the Drain Pump Filter/Draining Rest Water on a Front Load Washer

Cleaning the Drain Pump Filter/Draining Residual Water on your Amana Front Load Washer


Annotation: Perform the post-obit procedure occasionally or every 6 months.

  1. Open the dispenser drawer by pulling on the handle at the base of the washer. This will reveal the bleed pump filter. Remove the drawer by releasing the tab on each side.  With your finger, push downwardly on tab on right side of drawer, and up on tab on left side of drawer.

Janus Washer Drain Pump Filter.jpgJanus Washer Drain Pump Filter handles.jpg

  1. Place a wide, apartment container beneath the drain pump filter to collect the bleed water. Release the blackness hose from the hose clip, remove the plug, and drain the hose into the container. Empty the container. Repeat this procedure if necessary until all the water has tuckered. Make sure that the black hose is completely dry, supplant the plug, and secure the hose in the clip. Note: If water does not drain well, push button in hose slightly to remove any possible kinks.

Janus Washer Drain Pump Filter hose.jpg

  1. . Lay a cotton cloth beneath the drain pump filter to blot any water still in it. Then remove the drain pump filter past turning it counterclockwise.

Janus Washer Drain Pump Filter turn to remove.jpg

  1. Remove big clumps of lint by hand from the filter and place lint in a suitable waste container. Remove remaining residue from the filter by rinsing with water.

Janus Drain Pump Filter wash.jpg

  1. Reinsert the drain pump filter by turning it clockwise. Make sure to turn it in as far as information technology will go, with the filter handle remaining as close equally possible to the vertical position.

Janus Washer Drain Pump Filter reinsert.jpg

  1. Replace and close the dispenser drawer. Brand sure to insert both track simultaneously when replacing the drawer. You will hear a clicking sound that indicates the rails have engaged. To ensure proper placement of the drawer, pull out fully. The drawer should exist fully engaged and the runway locked in place. Make sure the drain hose is secured in the hose prune and tucked underneath the cutout.

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